Overview of FINT's APIs

Information Model at the Center

In FINT APIs, the information model defines how the APIs are structured and how they function.

Types of classes

The FINT information model has four types of classes:

  1. Main classes (hovedklasse)
  2. Abstract classes
  3. Complex datatypes
  4. References

Only main classes are directly accessible from FINT APIs, and every main class in the model has an API endpoint.

All other types are used to construct the main classes, either by abstraction of common fields, or to represent fields in the classes.


Main classes have identity, and can be referred to using an identifier value. This is represented by attributes of the type Identifikator. All main classes have at least one attribute of this type, but it’s perfectly legal to have more than one identifying attribute.

If the class has multiple identifying attributes, any of the identifying attributes can be used to reference it, and the FINT API exposes endpoints to refer to the class by all of the identifying attributes.

For instance, Personalressurs can be identified by both ansattnummer, brukernavn and systemId.


Relations can be added to main classes, either directly or in an abstract base class. In addition, attributes of the class can be comples datatypes, which also can have relations.

The name of the relation represents the relationship from the source to the target, and is often the name as the class of the target.

Relations can be optional or mandatory, single-valued or multi-value. In any case, they are always represented in the same form.

All relations are in the _links attribute on the class it links from. Remember, this can be an inner complex datatype.

The _links attribute is an object where the name of the relation is used as the property name. The property is an array of objects with a href attribute containing the URI to the target resource.

All relations to other resources in the information model always refer to a main class using one of the identifiable fields.

The FINT model also includes references to resources outside the model. These are represented by a special type of relation called Referanse. They are also represented as URIs.


Attributes in the resources can either be complex datatypes or any of the primitive types:

  • string
  • integer
  • float
  • dateTime

Attributes can be optional or mandatory, single-valued or multi-value. Multi-value attributes are always represented as an array, even if there is only a single value.

Dates are represented in ISO 8601 form with UTC time zone: 2019-06-05T09:48:23Z.

Naming convention

FINT information objects are named based on the packaging structure in the information model:

  • Administrasjon /administrasjon
    • Fullmakt /administrasjon/fullmakt
    • Kodeverk /administrasjon/kodeverk
    • Organisasjon /administrasjon/organisasjon
    • Personal /administrasjon/personal
  • Utdanning /utdanning
    • Elev /utdanning/elev
    • Kodeverk /utdanning/kodeverk
    • Timeplan /utdanning/timeplan
    • Utdanningsprogram /utdanning/utdanningsprogram
    • Vurdering /utdanning/vurdering

For every package, classes of the stereotype hovedklasse are accessible through the FINT API. As an example, for the package Personal within the domain Administrasjon, the following classes are currently hovedklasse:

  • Personalressurs /personalressurs
  • Arbeidsforhold /arbeidsforhold
  • Fravær /fravar
  • Fastlønn /fastlonn
  • Fasttillegg /fasttillegg
  • Variabellønn /variabellonn

Norwegian characters are translated according to the following scheme:

Original Replacement
æ a
ø o
å a

Common operations

These operations are available for all classes in the FINT information model.

Get all objects of a given class

/domain/package/class, i.e. /administrasjon/personal/personalressurs

This operation fetches all objects of a given class from the FINT cache. The response looks like this:

    "_embedded": {
        "_entries": [
    "_links": {
        "self": [
                "href": "..."
    "total_items": 111,
    "size": 111,
    "offset": 0

Pagination of result (size and offset)

For areas where there are a large number of resources, the API supports pagination. This is controlled by two query parameters:

parameter description
size Number of items to return. Limits the response to contain maximum size elements.
offset Position in list to start returning items from. Skips offset items.

The response contains prev or next entries within _links if there are more items either before or after (or both) compared to the current page.

The total_items attribute in the response can also be used to determine number of requests required.

Example: 25,000

Fetch first page: /administrasjon/personal/person?size=25000&offset=0

First 25,000 elements are returned. The response contains the following:

    "_links": {
        "self": [
                "href": "/administrasjon/personal/person?size=25000&offset=0"
        "next": [
                "href": "/administrasjon/personal/person?size=25000&offset=25000"
    "total_items": 123456,
    "size": 25000,
    "offset": 0

Keep following the next link as long as it’s present, for a total of five requests.

Each response will indicate 123,456 total items. The first four responses will have a size of 25,000, but the last response will have a size of 23,456 and no next link:

    "_links": {
        "self": [
                "href": "/administrasjon/personal/person?size=25000&offset=100000"
        "prev": [
                "href": "/administrasjon/personal/person?size=25000&offset=75000"
    "total_items": 123456,
    "size": 23456,
    "offset": 100000

Fetch individual item by identifier

/domain/package/class/field/value, i.e. /administrasjon/personal/personalressurs/ansattnummer/123456

Given an identifier field name (any field of type Identifikator) and the identifier value, try fetching the individual item.

Size of cache for a given class

/domain/package/class/cache/size, i.e. /administrasjon/personal/personalressurs/cache/size

Return the size of the cache for a given class. The response looks like this:

  "size": 10632

Timestamp for when cache was last updated

/domain/package/class/last-updated, i.e. /administrasjon/personal/personalressurs/last-updated

Return a timestamp indicating when the cache was last updated. The response looks like this:

  "lastUpdated": "1559551091034"

Get objects updated since timestamp

/domain/package/class?sinceTimeStamp=<time>, i.e. /administrasjon/personal/personalressurs?sinceTimeStamp=1559551091034

Returns a collection of all objects that have been updated (added or modified) later than the provided timestamp. The response looks like this:

    "_embedded": {
        "_entries": [
    "_links": {
        "self": [
                "href": "..."
    "total_items": 24324,
    "size": 2,
    "offset": 0

If size is 0, this indicates that there are no new updates since the given timestamp.

This request can also be combined with pagination using size and offset in case a large number of items have been updated.

Note: When FINT API restarts, all items are regarded new. This means a sinceTimeStamp parameter from before the restart will return all items. It is therefore recommended to use pagination as well if the result is large.

Health Check

/domain/package/admin/health, i.e. /administrasjon/personal/admin/health

Triggers a health check towards the adapter providing data. The response indicates whether the adapter is connected and responding.