Accessing FINT

All FINT APIs are protected, and require Bearer token authorization.

OAuth 2.0 Resource Owner Credentials Flow

To access FINT resources, a valid Bearer token must be obtained from the FINT IDP. Authorization details are available from the FINT customer portal,

Example projects for accessing FINT data

Libraries for accessing OAuth protected resources

Obtaining a valid Bearer token using curl

curl -s ${IDP_URL} \
-d grant_type=password \
-d username="${OAUTH_USER}" \
-d password="${OAUTH_PWD}" \
-d scope="${SCOPE}" | \
jq -r '.access_token'

After obtaining the valid token, add it to the request header:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" https://.....

FINT environments

FINT offers three environments, Play-with-FINT, Beta and Production:

For all of these environments the URIs follow the same pattern, so to find employee #33445, append the following path to the URI: /administrasjon/personal/personalressurs/ansattnummer/33445.